Among all goods imported from China, a large part deals with the Importation of Christmas products from China manufactured on the occasion of Christmas or events of various kinds. Despite the great interest, many people do not recognize the large number of risks associated with importing such items. Before you start importing, it helps to familiarize yourself with the potential dangers and how to protect your business.
Import of Christmas products from China
When we talk about importing seasonal products from China, we are referring to importing Christmas products. The first threat you can prevent is an untrustworthy supplier from China. The products you are interested in must meet all relevant requirements in the territory in which they are imported and distributed.
For example, in the European Union, some of them may require CE marking. If crucial documents (such as the CE certificate) are missing, it is impossible to clear customs and therefore release the goods for free movement. In the worst case, it results in the disposal of the goods and the loss of money by the importer.
In order not to make this mistake, when the products require CE marking, you should ask the Chinese party to send the above-mentioned certificate with a test report confirming it. You should also verify these documents. Also, before concluding any transaction, we suggest to check the Chinese partner every time. If the products have a logo of a well-known brand somewhere, it is essential to request a license to use it.
Transportation of Christmas items from China:
Another factor is also related to customs clearance, as well as transportation. Importing Christmas products from China is very popular and generally short term during the year. It is good practice to order these products several months in advance.
This allows us to reduce the transportation costs of the Import of Christmas products from China, due to the lower interest. The decrease in traffic also translates into faster procedures at ports and customs clearance. Thanks to this solution, you can save time and money. In addition, you do not run the risk that your products will not arrive on time and that you will not be able to sell them later. In addition, we encourage you to always insure your assets. This will protect you from loss of products during transport, for example during a storm or by flooding the contents of the container with seawater.
The risk of importing Christmas products from China:
Unfortunately, there are also very unique and unpredictable situations. As it is not difficult to notice, Importing Christmas products from China well in advance and after thorough supplier verification can be a great success and generate huge profits. Unfortunately, in the event of unforeseen situations, such as the one we are currently in, it may turn out that imported merchandise is useless or cannot be sold until much later.
If you are interested in other production regions besides the area of Christmas products of China, please see our posts on this topic